Southcote Parents and Friends Association
The Southcote Parents & Friends Association (a registered charity #1180299) is a group of enthusiastic parents and staff members, which was set up to raise money and support the school with events & projects that will enrich the school-life of all the students at Philip Southcote school.
Here are the core committee members:
Chair: Jenny Eaglestone
Secretary: Jo Banks
Treasurer: Victoria Fearnley
Feel free to contact us with ideas, comments or questions:
We are excited to announce our 100 Club Lottery.
£400 of Cash Prizes to be won every year!*
£100* at the Christmas Draw – Dec ‘23
£100* during Sports Day – July ‘23
10 x £20* monthly draws per year – starting Jan 2023
*Pending all 100 numbers being sold
Click here for more informationClick here for your 100 Club Lottery Form
The Southcote PFA has recently registered with the "Things To Get Me" website.
Here we will list anything that the school might want and /or what the PFA needs to aid us with our fundraising efforts - please copy & share the link on social media and with family & friends!
Please click here to see our wish list
Our next Bags-2-School date is Wednesday 25th January!
Please remember to drop bags off before Wednesday 25th January 2023.
Future collection dates are 19th April and 26th September.
The Christmas Fair of 2022 was a great success – not only did the PFA set a new record (we made over £1750!), but it was a fun & enjoyable event with something for everyone! We had tombola & raffles, as well as various games and gift stalls. The PFA would like to thank everyone who helped on the day, donated prizes for the grand raffle and everyone who came and supported the event.
PFA Meetings
PFA Newsletter
PFA Fund Raising Opportunites
Philip Southcote PFA has just registered with Recycle4Charity - an easy to use ink recycling programme, that helps raise funds for charity and non-for-profit organisations.
Do you have any ink cartridges to dispose of by the following brands?
If so, please click the link below for instructions (request free postage or collection box). Alternatively, you can send in the cartridges with your child to put in the Recycle4Charity cartridge recycle box in school.
Please click here for more details
Bags 2 School
The PFA has collected over £1133 to date by getting pupils to bring in old & unworn clothes into school for recycling – so please hold on to any clothing that can be used again and look out for more details of the next collection date. Our last collection raised a whopping £116!
The last Bags-2-school collection raised £116 and that brings the total to £1133!!!
Fundraising with Amazon Smile
As the PFA is registered as a charity (#: 1180299), it means we can take part in fund-raising opportunities that are only open to registered charities!
Please use the below link for any Amazon shopping – and do spread the word to friends & family! We have raised over £100 since we registered in 2019.
Click on the image below:
Online shopping via “Easyfundraising”
The easiest way to help the PFA – without actually parting with any money! Collectively family & friends have raised nearly £900 by doing their normal online shopping via this website. Please sign up here:
CLICK ON THE LOGO BELOW making sure you set “spfa” as your charity.
Stamptastic - use code KT152QH
Raise 20% commission for the PFA every time you order anything from - they sell personalised stamps to make labelling school uniform & other belongings a doddle!
Click on the logo below