
Our school Governing Body is fully committed to supporting the school in our quest for continual improvement.  It endorses the school’s vision statement.

"Empowering young people to become responsible adults; respecting themselves, others and the wider community"

"Providing a safe, trusting and respectful learning environment where the "Southcote Community" promotes life long learning "

We believe that by working together and always expecting the best, we can attain the highest possible standards for our students, developing our aim of learning for life.

The Chair of the Governing Body is Mr Ash Davis, who can be contacted via email at:

Meet Our Governors

Ash Davis

Ash Davis
Chair of Governors


Daisy Croker
Vice Chair of Governors
Child Protection and Safeguarding

Lee Jerwood 008

Lee Jerwood
Head Teacher

Emily Maule

Emily Maule
Co-Opted Governor

L taylor PHOTO

Lorraine Taylor
Parent Governor

Rochelle Richmond

Rochelle Richmond
Co-Opted Governor

Governor Roles and Responsibilities

Governor Attendance

Open Meeting Protocol

Virtual Meeting Protocol

Code of Conduct

Register of Business Interests

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